Assembly Delegates
According to the International General Assembly Minutes, “Members and ministers of the Church of God (16 years of age and above) present and registered at the International General Assembly shall comprise the voting constituency.” Registered delegates receive a manual and a badge that must be displayed in order to vote in International General Assembly business sessions. Business sessions will be held in Hall 2 of the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center (HBGCC).
All ordained bishops are required to register to be eligible to vote in International General Council sessions. Questions regarding ministerial status or licensure should be directed to the Registration/Credential Committee in the registration area located at the main entrance of the HBGCC.
Voting Results
Results of the electronic voting of the International General Council will be displayed towards the middle of Hall 2, beyond the anchor desk.
Translation of Sessions
Translation services will be provided through UHF translation device. Languages expected to be available include Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German. Delegates needing translation assistance may visit the General Assembly Translation Help Desk, located in the main lobby of the HBGCC.