A unique walk-thru prayer encounter and free prayer guide will be part of the upcoming Church of God International General Assembly scheduled for next week in San Antonio, Texas.
P. Douglas Small, international prayer coordinator for the Church of God, has hosted prayer experiences at the assembly since 1992. Most years, he says, “The room has simply been a room, a place to gather.” But in recent years, the room has been staffed, open all day, and filled with prayer stations. Small says the prayer room was the place to go for morning prayer and a prayer service for many years. Now that morning prayer is being held in the General Council arena, the prayer room has been repurposed.
Beginning Tuesday, July 26, PRIORITY Prayer will take place from 8:00 -8:30 am preceding the morning General Council sessions.
According to Small, this year, the prayer room will consist of several prayer stations.
“A throne room emphasizes the sovereignty and holiness of God,” Small said. “A mission room focuses on the task of finishing the Great Commission, reaching the unreached, and demonstrates that prayer opens doors for evangelism. One display will carry the Prayer-Cast videos, a global video prayer tour.”
Small continued saying, “One prayer station will urge family prayer, the creation of a family altar, and personal space for prayer. Another will feature the church as a house of prayer and the voices of David Wilkerson and Leonard Ravenhill.”
Personal communion and prayer will also be available, as well as anointing cloths. One exhibit will focus on the growing persecution of Christians around the world. The simple but interesting ‘wailing wall’ at the General Assembly in previous years will invite participants to post the name of the loved one on the wall for prayer. Prayer teams will be on hand to pray for those with needs.
“This will be the most unique prayer experience ever offered at the General Assembly,” Small says. “It is not designed as an exhibit but as a prayer experience. Our hope is that people will kneel around the throne and pray. Lay hands on the globe and pray for the nations of the world. Adopt a missionary, a nation for prayer. And then answer the call to daily personal prayer and the priority of making the church a house of prayer!”
The General Assembly Prayer Experience will be located in rooms 225 A-C of the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.