We are BACK, together again for LEAD and General Assembly 2022.
When we left 2018’s Assembly, we had no idea what was in-store for our church family, our communities, or ourselves. In the past two years, we have seen devastation and determination, powerlessness and perpetual praise, uncertainty and unconditional uplifting of His name.
We have praised His name on high from the lowest of lows, and now, as the world returns to normal, we once again humbly ask Him to use us for His Kingdom.
Today, as has become tradition at General Assembly, we were encouraged and refilled for this Kingdom Calling, equipped and re-energized for the leadership mantel that been bestowed upon us as followers of Christ.
LEAD conference this year saw a focus on health - church, family, spiritual, personal, and mental health.
Facilitated by Mark Rutland, LEAD began with Maury Davis reminding us that a true leader is definition by problems solved, not problems passed on.
“One of the biggest indicators of your lack of leadership is how often you blame others for your problems. Don’t blame, SOLVE” encouraged Davis.
In fact, not only are we to take ownership of our own problems, but we are to remember that God Himself has equipped us with what we need to overcome them. Amanda Crabb shared this on overcoming obstacles with what has been given us, “The enemy did not give you what God put in you. The enemy will try to manipulate it, but make no mistake: God Himself knitted you together in your mother’s womb!”
Where does leadership, this ability to own problems and overcome them, come from? We, as leaders, must remember that to truly lead is to follow the one who is above us all, to honor our leader on high.
“One of the big problems with leadership today is that we are personally out of alignment,” shared Larry Stockstill. “Pastors aren’t spending time alone at the feet of the Master.”
So, you’ve been reminded to own what is yours to overcome, to lean into the gifts and equipping that God has given you, and to follow the lead of the Leader, but what is left? Perhaps the hardest thing for leaders to accept of all - that they can’t, and shouldn’t, do it alone.
“Leaders need partners who care more about the mission than us, who will keep going with or without us.” implored Tod Bolsinger. “They need friends who care more about us than the mission. Mentors who care more about us because they want to see us do more for the mission.”
So, brothers and sisters in Christ, may we all remember what it means to lead. May we all remember that it is about who we follow, and about who we lead and follow with. May we all remember to lead with love, hope, and mercy.
In conclusion, may we allow God to use us this week in San Antonio to lead well when we return home, and may each of us continue to lead for the Kingdom.